OIL PAINTING WORKSHOP with Jarosław Tarnowski
Topic - Kraków Landscape
15/06 | Saturday 14:00 | 200 zl
Great oil painting workshops by Krakow-loving artist Jarosław Tarnowski!

During the two-hour class, you will create your own painting from scratch. No artistic skills are required. We are going to paint the landscape of Krakow.
How it goes?
Theory and individual approach
On a workshop you will learn theoretical basics and learn practical skills.
The teacher will advise you and help you in building a composition and working with form and color.
Creating a painting from scratch
The artist demonstrates the process step by step with detailed explanation, you repeat and finally get the artwork.
At the end of the lesson you will have a unique painting that will become a perfect decoration of any interior.
You will learn:
  • Several techniques for working with a brush
  • Several techniques for working with palette-knife
  • General rules for mixing colours
  • And finally, how to paint the atmosphere of the rainy, old and beloved city of Krakow
Gift Certificate
Not sure what to give your loved ones or friends as a gift? Oil painting workshop is a universal gift that will suit all creative people. To order fill out the form and our administrator will contact you!
Frequently Asked Questions
If you still have any questions, you can ask them by e-mail at welcome@stakkato.pl or by phone at
+48 501 829 139
Oil Painting Workshop with Jaroslaw
15th of June, 14:00 | STAKKATO ART SPACE | 200 zł
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+48 501 829 139
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